Tuesday, February 21, 2012

PSC Website

In recent weeks, my role has significantly increased in terms of the Phoenix Sister Cities website maintenance. Prior to this internship, I can honestly say that my experience in maintaining a website and doing other web-oriented tasks that require a certain technological savviness has been at a minimum. However, I have learned a lot in such a short period of time. I am constantly having to update the calendar by adding and taking out events. In addition, I am constantly adding pictures, biographies, and random teasers on the home page that link to other pages within the website. I encourage all of you to venture to phoenixsistercities.org and just browse around for a bit. It is a really neat website that describes all nine of the sister cities and the committees that go hand in hand with them. There is also information on becoming a member of sister cities. There is also a calendar (yes, the one I always update) that lets the public know about when the monthly committee meetings are and where they are held. They are open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend. For example, the monthly committee meeting for Hermosillo, Mexico is held the second Tuesday of every month. However, since the second Tuesday of February was Valentine's Day, the meeting was pushed back a week to tonight (2/21/2012) at 6:00 pm at Rico's Grill. At the end of the day, the skills I am picking up through my time at this internship are proving to be invaluable and will benefit me greatly in my future career.


  1. This is interesting stuff. Being in the drivers seat of a website is exciting because you can lead users to go look at certain things. Learn all you can because there are a lot of opportunities out there in this field.

  2. I am really envious of your website management skills. Those skills are crucial for any organization.

  3. Website looks good- it definitely has a lot of interesting information on it. It is amazing though how when thrown into a project or doing things that we are not normally used to or have much experience in - how with a bit of a trial and error we can end up succeeding at.
