Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hermosillo Committee Meeting

As a part of my internship, it is required that I pick a city committee and attend their monthly committee meetings. I recently attended the Hermosillo committee meeting and I met a lot of great people. Even though I did not take down the official minutes I did take minutes down for myself in order to get some practice and report back to my supervisors and colleagues at the staff meeting. The Hermosillo committee is definitely one of the busiest committees and it was interesting to hear about all of their upcoming events and activities. The most interesting item on the agenda was the status report about the establishment of the Hermosillo Burn Center in response to the terrible tragedy that occurred in a Hermosillo daycare center in 2009. Tragically, 49 young children perished in a fire and those that survived will need care and surgeries for years. Since there are no burn centers in northern Mexico, Phoenix Sister Cities is currently working to help establish a Burn Center. As of now, there are approximately 12 sets of nurses that are being trained at the Maricopa County Burn Center and will eventually make their way down to Hermosillo. Needless to say, it was very good to hear that significant progress is being made in the establishment of the Burn Center and I cannot wait until the project is completed.

You can read more about the Hermosillo Fire Relief Fund and how to donate at

1 comment:

  1. I think the fact that phoenix sister cities is working to establish a burn center for the victims of the Hermosillo daycare center is incredible! I'm glad progress is being made! Thank you for the additional link!
