Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CED Divisions Presentation

The early part of this week and the better half of last week I was presented with the task of developing a PowerPoint Presentation regarding all of the Divisions that make up the Community and Economic Development Department. Essentially, the point of the presentation was to show how Phoenix Sisiter Cities, which is within the International Relations Division, can help the other divisions and also how the other divisions can help PSC. For the most part I was told what information should be included in the presentation but it was up to me to determine how it would be presented and to add my own sense of creativity to it. Now, I have done my fair share of powerpoints but mostly for short class presentations where the neatness and preciseness of the information on the powerpoint was not a large component of success. However, this one was a little more challenging. In the end I was able to complete it and feel pretty good about the finished product. The best part was when my supervisor asked me to include "woosh" techniques. When I asked her what she mean by "woosh" techniques she tried to go further into detail by saying, "You know, like when the information just goes "woosh!" onto the screen one at a time or something like that!" Also, try to picture her rocketing her hand into the air every time she says woosh! Awesome. At that point I knew exactly what she was talking about and I was successfully able to incorporate the "woosh" effects into the presentation.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to the whole "woosh" situation. Our foundation president is not at all in time with technology and the most we've gotten out of his PP presentations is plain text. When he asked the other intern to help him with his technology issues he started gesticulating wildly in an effort to express himself. Hopefully he'll just let our intern put presentations together for him in the future.
