Thursday, January 19, 2012

City Council Meeting

Today I was given the task of creating an excel spreadsheet to keep track of the members of Phoenix Sister Cities and the non-members that are planning on attending the Grenoble Committee Membership Mixer on February 1st. As I am still new to the membership database, it took a considerable amount of time to determine who is and who is not a member of PSC. The Grenoble Mixer is a yearly event that is highly anticipated by those in Community and Economic Development Department. Additionally, the Executive Director of Phoenix Sister Cities asked me and the other interns to represent the department at the City Council meeting in order to see who would be appointed the new Vice Mayor of the City of Phoenix. Council-member Johnson of District 8 was appointed the new Vice Mayor of the City of Phoenix to replace Ms. Williams. Towards the end of the council meeting, there was an elderly gentleman who was very long-winded and angry about a particular item on the agenda. When his two minutes to speak was up, he refused to sit down and he had to raise his voice after his microphone was turned off. Needless to say, it was very entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are being provided with such a wide variety of experiences already. I wonder if the man who yelled at the city council meeting attends the meetings regularly to voice his concerns, or if he felt compelled to speak on one immediate issue.
