Thursday, January 19, 2012

Phoenix Sister Cities Introduction

To start, I'd like to give an overview of what Phoenix Sister Cities is exactly. PSC is actually within the International Relations Division in the Community and Economic Development Department at the City of Phoenix. The purpose of PSC is to facilitate various educational, cultural and business exchanges in order to promote relationships and opportunities between the City of Phoenix and the sister cities. These exchanges occur through delegation visits as each Sister City is equipped with a committee of volunteers who are firmly committed to the goals of the program. Currently I am working on a long-term project that entails creating an itinerary for the upcoming PCS Delegation visit to Ramat-Gan, Israel, which is one of the sister cities to Phoenix. Other sister cities include Calgary, Canada, Catania, Italy, Chengdu, China, Ennis, Ireland, Grenoble, France, Hermosillo, Mexico, Himeji, Japan, Prague, Czech Republic (inactive), and Taipei, Taiwan. The PSC Delegation visit is set for early May, so I have until the end of March to develop the itinerary and tourism guide. Not only is the delegation set to visit Ramat-Gan, but they will also venture to Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. Besides the actual itinerary itself, it will include a description of each member of the PSC Delegation, a complete weather forecast, a historical timeline for each of the cities, and brief guides for what to expect as far as electricity, currency exchange, and even fashion. Currently, I am working on important historical events to share with the delegation regarding each of the cities. As can be expected, Jerusalem is taking a considerable amount of time. In any event, I am definitely looking forward to adding my own creativity and depth to this assignment and I look forward to sharing my progress.


  1. Your internship sounds really exciting! I would love to do something like this. I look forward to reading more of your posts this semester. (:

    1. For whatever reason I was unable to create my own comment, so I will just be attaching to Glenn's.

      Hi Preston. I am so impressed with the experience you will be gaining working for an international organization. There are so many lessons that I do not think the MPA offered about intercultural awareness and government.

      Also, you are working with Maggie Garcia, who also works for me through ASU's University Service Learning (America Reads). She has shared how wonderful your job is and I am very interested in the organization.

      You said that PSC is part of the city of Phoenix but I also know that there is a Tempe Sister Cities, is that through the city of Tempe as well or are any of these organizations put together through a larger NGO?
