Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Home for Easter

On Saturday night I flew to my hometown (El Paso, TX) to visit my family and friends and to celebrate Easter. It ended up being a great trip but it was very, very short. As a matter of fact, I was back in Phoenix  early Monday morning. I was born and raised in El Paso but moved to Colorado in the summer of 2000, so it is always great to get back there and reminisce with my family. After church on Sunday we went through what seemed like hundreds of old photos and talked about some of our favorite memories. I can't even tell you how many goofy pictures I found of my dad. By Monday morning I felt like I had been in El Paso forever, but at the same time I felt like I had just gotten there (with the latter being closer to the truth). The craziest part of my trip was when I boarded my Southwest flight back to Phoenix on Monday morning and there were like 7 people on the entire flight. Up to that point, I'm pretty sure that I had never been on a flight that wasn't entirely full. It was awesome and there was so much room for activities.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome to get the whole plane to yourself, if only the light rail was the same way.
