Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Last week I had the opportunity to accompany my supervisor to a couple of meetings regarding pending legislation and the budget. The first one we attended was the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce meeting. The meeting centered around reports delivered by the Budget and Tax issue committee and the Economic Development committee. The other meeting we attended was the Legislative Strategy Task Force meeting at the League of Arizona Cities and Towns. The day we attended those meetings was one of the most interesting days I have experienced in my time with Phoenix Sister Cities. Not only did I get to listen to different perspectives about legislation and the upcoming budget, but I got to meet numerous new people that were very passionate and committed about the issues being discussed. At the same time, I would be lying if I said that I understood everything that they were saying. At times, it felt like they were speaking a different language when talking about the pending legislation. I kept having to remind myself that most of the people at these meetings were lobbyists that obviously know there stuff when it comes to legislation and the budget. The best part of the day was the awesome catered lunch that was provided at the League of Arizona Cities and Towns meeting. Hey, everybody loves a free lunch!

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