Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Working on Website and Ramat-Gan

This week I have been working on several different things. I have spent quite a bit of time on the PSC website updating the corporate membership information and updating photos of board members. In addition, I have been making a big effort to obtain committee meeting agendas and minutes from the committee chairs in order to put them on the website and make them accessible to the public. Essentially, I have just been doing some maintenance in order to make the website look a little prettier. In addition to all of the work I have been doing on the website, I have been making some last minute adjustments to the Ramat-Gan Delegation Briefing Book that I finished developing about a month ago. We finally heard back from Ramat-Gan about what to include in the final itinerary which will be presented to all of the delegation members in a couple of days. The delegation visit to Ramat-Gan and the rest of Israel will take place from May 3 to May 16 and there is a lot of excitement about the quickly approaching trip. It is going to be an awesome trip. While I was doing a ton of research and putting so much time into developing the briefing book, I constantly had to remind myself that I am not going on the trip because I would get so excited about some of the places I was reading about. Jerusalem is a city that I have always wanted to visit and I truly believe that it is a city that everyone should visit at some point in their life. Not only is it one of the world's oldest cities, but it is the holy city to the three major religions- Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Even though I am not a member of the delegation, I am very excited for the 26 people that are going. A few members of the delegation include Vice Mayor Michael Johnson and former city manager Frank Fairbanks.


  1. That is cool you get to work on this stuff, but unfortunate you do not get to make the trip! How often do members of the sister cities visit Phoenix?

  2. The trip sounds like a lot of fun! I can't believe they're making you plan the trip and they won't let you go...torture! By the way, I looked at the PSC website recently and it looks great. Good job!

  3. Israel is an amazing place and I hope you make it there someday! I have family residing in Ramat-Gan. When you walk along the streets in Jerusalem you can feel the history and spirituality radiating around you. It's incredible. I agree with you, it's definitely a city everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime.
