Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One Year Down

This year has gone by ridiculously quick! It feels like just yesterday that I was driving the grueling 11 hour drive to Phoenix from Colorado to start grad school. Now I am done with an entire year of it. I've had some great experiences so far in this program and I've met some great people. When I finished my undergrad, I was planning on finding a teaching job but I still wasn't sure if that was the route I wanted to go. When I started to think seriously about pursuing a career in public service, I realized that it was something that I would really enjoy. The next thing I knew, I was in my truck driving to Phoenix to start the MPA program. I was really excited but at the same time really nervous because I had never been to Phoenix before. Needless to say, I've had a great time and I've learned a tremendous amount of stuff this year that I look forward to applying in my future career as a public administrator.


  1. Congratulations! I really want to go to grad school but I think I really need to wait a year or two. I'm ready for a break! Good luck next year! :)

  2. Get ready for next year, hopefully we have some classes together again.

  3. Congratulations! ASU has such a great program and I'm sure you have learned (and will continue to learn) tons!
