Thursday, April 5, 2012

Resume Writing Workshop (Career Service Post)

Yesterday (April 3rd), I attended a resume writing workshop in Suite 110 of the Downtown Post Office. It was a very interesting experience and I can honestly say that I learned a lot in the hour that the workshop took place (3-4 pm). When I first arrived, I was instructed to take numerous different resume and cover letter samples and resume tip sheets in order to help prepare us and guide us in our future attempts at constructing a legitimate resume. What followed was a 45 minute powerpoint presentation and lecture about how to successfully construct a resume that is considered acceptable to most employers. The main concept that I took away from the workshop is that there is no one right way to write a resume. However, some general guideline do apply. The main part of the workshop described the sections that should be included in a resume and how those sections will vary depending on the job you are applying for. "Consistency" was significantly stressed throughout the session as it is very important that a resume maintain a consistent format, font, spacng, margins, etc. Throughout the lecture, the presenter asked several questions in order to facilitate discussion and to help people understand other people's experiences in developing a resume. 

As previously mentioned, I definitely learned a lot in such a short amount of time. I did not realize how important developing a resume actually is. Immediately following the workshop I went home and looked over my current resume. I was astonished at how many of the things the workshop said to avoid in resumes were present in mine. For example, the workshop advised to avoid any type of Microsoft Word resume template and sure enough, I had been using a template for years. All in all, it was a very beneficial workshop and I look forward to completely rewriting my resume to incorporate all of the tips and strategies to aid me in my future job search. 


  1. That's really good to know know I myself have been guilty of using the templates a time or two before. By any chance did they cover how to do federal resumes?

  2. I read this valuable article about Resume Writing Workshop, lots of essay writing helps and describe all main topics which are must be describe in your resume. This all informations are very useful for every job seeking people. So, thanks for sharing this fantastic information.
    resume templates
