Sunday, April 1, 2012

Birthday dog

Today is my dog's birthday. She's two years old and she's pretty much the coolest dog of all time. Her name is Chesla and I named her after a buddy of mine that I played football with in college. She's a mix between a dachshund and a Labrador retriever so the best way to describe her is a black lab with a long body that forgot to grow. I've planned a bunch of activities for her to do today and she's going to have a blast! Oh, and I got her a birthday cake. Please don't judge me for loving my dog so much.


  1. Preston!
    Love the new blog. Happy birthday to your dog. What kind of birthday cake did you get? That's great!

  2. Happy (belated) birthday Chelsea! Love the picture. I won't judge since I got my baby Lulu a birthday cake for her celebration a few weeks ago, too. She also turned 2 actually. Remind me to show you the picture sometime.
