Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mayor's Office

My supervisor set up a shadowing opportunity in the Mayor's Office for me today. I met with one of Mayor Stanton's team members and he gave me the rundown of how the office is structured and some of his responsibilities. He regularly deals with water, transportation, and the 62 city commissions (the Phoenix Sister Cities Commission included). We discussed several initiatives and various other programs that the mayor's office has tackled in the short time that Mayor Stanton has been in office. In addition, I had the chance to briefly meet with the mayor after some of his meetings. The mayor is constantly in and out of the office, day in and day out. His schedule is booked weeks in advance as businesses, departments, and people throughout the community consistently compete for his time.

At the end of the day, it was not only an opportunity for me to gain an understanding of how the office is run and how everything works, but to learn how the city is run. It was a really neat experience and I am very appreciative of the Mayor's Office for allowing me to tag along today and my supervisor for setting me up with the opportunity.


  1. This was a great opportunity for you to have. It's awesome that you got to meet Mayor Stanton. I hope you took a lot away from the experience.

  2. That seems like an amazing experience. You have a great supervisor, and it's great that you learned more about how the office is operated.

  3. Mayor Stanton is an impressive public servant, and you are lucky to have such an "inside view" of one of America's most well-run cities. The Sister City concept/tradition is such an important part of international understanding, and cooperation, at the local, communitarian level. Americans don't travel as frequently as many people from other countries, and this is tragic. I would love to see a program of human service projects for Phoenix's sister cities, for MPA students. Anyway, congratulations and have a terrific summer wherever your travels take you!
